Lawmaker Says Eliminating Abortion More Important Than Historical Fight To Eradicate Slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “We still endure implicit bias from our colleagues who are insensitive to what is said about the hurtful and ugly past of this country’s treatment of African Americans,” Pittman said in a statement. “Slavery is not something we should compare to anything in the […]
Rep criticized for comparing Oklahoma’s fight to outlaw abortion to Great Britain’s fight to end slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “In times like these where we see our nation on the cusp of reckoning social and racial injustices, we still endure implicit bias from our colleagues who are insensitive to what is said about the hurtful and ugly past of this country’s treatment of […]
Oklahoma House Rep makes controversial comparison of abortion to slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest During a heated debate in the House Public Health committee about a abortion bill Rep. Ajay Pittman responds to nasty comment by colleague comparing slavery to abortion. Visit KFOR to view the full article. Never miss any important news. Subscribe to our newsletter. Related […]
Tulsa Race Massacre: Elected Officials On When They Learned About It And How It Influences Them
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “For me, it’s a little bit different because my family includes Tulsa Race Massacre survivors. So I learned about it fairly early because my great, great grandfather had a grocery in Tulsa. So I probably learned about it at home from my family. But […]
Bill offers students class in functioning in society
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest House Lawmakers have advanced a measure that would allow schools to teach students skills needed to survive and thrive as adults in society. “Adulting 101” would be an elective class that would be available in every district, the bill authored by State Representative Ajay […]
Free clinic in OKC’s Eastside aims to bring critical health care access to those who need it
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “It is necessary and is needed so that we can change the topic and the conversation and the stigma around health for not only our seniors, but our young people so they can make sure they are taking care of themselves, because health is […]
Oklahoma Democrats call for special session to repeal bill banning schools from mandating masks
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “We are seeing our numbers rise. This is an opportunity for state-elected officials to stand firm in solidarity to encourage Governor Stitt to promote new safety precautions for the new Covid-19 Delta variant statewide. “I work very closely with the healthcare industry and frontline […]
First Americans Museum honors Oklahoma’s 39 tribes

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “It is very emotional to see it come to fruition,” she said. “It just is a beautiful representation of the people that started the state, of the land that we are all standing on. It is monumental for tourism. It depicts an Oklahoma history […]
COVID-19 exposed health disparities in Oklahoma and around the nation. How do we end them?
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “It seems that … a lot of those conversations are lost on my colleagues, whether it be that they are tired of hearing the rhetoric, or they don’t want to touch the subject, or because there’s so few minorities represented in the body it’s […]
State Representative Ajay Pittman PSA
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Representative Pittman releases a public service announcement about the importance of vaccinating against COVID-19. Visit Partnership to Fight Infectious Disease to view the full article. Never miss any important news. Subscribe to our newsletter. Related News Our Social Networks Facebook-f Twitter Dribbble Youtube Pinterest-p […]