Oklahoma City Law Enforcement Policy Task Force announced
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Mayor David Holt created the Law Enforcement Policy Task Force in response to community concerns about current law enforcement policies. Pittman among other community leaders named as task force members Visit OKC.gov to view the full article. Never miss any important news. Subscribe to […]
Quote of the Day | June 3, 2020
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “Zero substantiated complaints? Wow, that is just comical. We have to come to the realization that we can’t keep sugar-coating what has been going on, since as long as do, we are just perpetuating the problem.” Visit OK Policy to view the full article. […]
Protesters persist through worries of COVID-19
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Rep. Ajay Pittman Speaks to the safety of protesting during the covid-19 pandemic and why it is still important for people to make sure their voices are being heard. “I think it was a catalyst, but I also think that we didn’t realize how […]
Lawmakers look at effects of coronavirus pandemic, fight for racial justice on mental health
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “We have had a lot of things go on in 2020 that have affected so many people’s lives and so many people’s mental health,” said Rep. Ajay Pittman, D-Oklahoma City. “This year has caused greater amounts of anxiety and depression across our state. This […]
House Democrats Hold Memorial For Oklahomans Killed By COVID-19
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Oklahoma House Democrats hold Memorial for Oklahomans killed by Covid-19 on the first day of legislative session. Representative Ajay Pittman reads a poem “For Grief” by John O’Donohue to honor the victims and their families. Visit Public Radio Tulsa to view the full article. […]
Oklahoma City Rep. Ajay Pittman Endorses Biden
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “I am proud to endorse Joe Biden. He has a history of fighting for working and middle-class Americans, and I know that’s exactly what he will do as President,” Pittman said in a release from the Biden campaign Wednesday morning. “From working with President […]
Oklahoma House members listen to several redistricting map presentations
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Rep. Pittman commented on her thoughts on HD99 and 97 and the cultural representation within each district. Visit Oklahoma City Free Press to view the full article. Never miss any important news. Subscribe to our newsletter. Related News Our Social Networks Facebook-f Twitter Dribbble […]
Lawmaker Says Eliminating Abortion More Important Than Historical Fight To Eradicate Slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “We still endure implicit bias from our colleagues who are insensitive to what is said about the hurtful and ugly past of this country’s treatment of African Americans,” Pittman said in a statement. “Slavery is not something we should compare to anything in the […]
Rep criticized for comparing Oklahoma’s fight to outlaw abortion to Great Britain’s fight to end slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “In times like these where we see our nation on the cusp of reckoning social and racial injustices, we still endure implicit bias from our colleagues who are insensitive to what is said about the hurtful and ugly past of this country’s treatment of […]
Oklahoma House Rep makes controversial comparison of abortion to slavery
Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest During a heated debate in the House Public Health committee about a abortion bill Rep. Ajay Pittman responds to nasty comment by colleague comparing slavery to abortion. Visit KFOR to view the full article. Never miss any important news. Subscribe to our newsletter. Related […]