Pittman discusses congress protecting tribal sovereignty.

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “As the vice chair of the Oklahoma House of Representatives’ Native American caucus, I can attest to how our local officials understand the importance of tribal sovereignty and ensuring it is defended and upheld. Not only are Oklahoma tribes a top 10 industry in […]

Your Vote Counts: The Pandemic Center, Medicaid Disagreements And Health Infrastructure

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Your Vote Counts: The Pandemic Center, Medicaid Disagreements And Health Infrastructure News 9 political analyst Scott Mitchell was joined by state representatives Ajay Pittman and Ryan Martinez to discuss problems at the state’s pandemic center and the legislature’s Medicaid disagreement with Gov. Stitt among other topics.  Never miss […]

Metro Tech Grant to Advance Fitness Programs

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest “It was a great time attending Adventourous Afternoons watching Charissa teach a wonderful dance class that many women from our community were able to enjoy. Congratulations Metro Tech on a job well done implementing vital programs with the new funding. Thank you to the […]

Fresh Start, Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City Second Annual Expungement Expo

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Rep. Ajay Pittman, (D)- Oklahoma City, pictured with colleagues from the city, county and judicial branches of government joining together to honor the Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City for their annual Expungement Expo.  This annual event gives so many people from our communities […]

Pittman returns to the Oklahoma Legislature Unchallenged

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Rep. Ajay Pittman, (D)- Oklahoma City, goes unchallenged for third term, will head back to the Capitol in February 2023 for the 59th Legislative Session. “It has been my honor and privilege to serve the constituents of House District 99 and the people of […]

2022 Black History Month Program at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Northeast OKC

Subscribe Now Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest On the last Sunday of Black History Month, Oklahomans celebrated the trailblazers who pushed for change. At Ebenezer Baptist Church, the community was shining a light on history through music, worship, and art. Rep. Ajay Pittman, (D)- Oklahoma City, said this is the time […]